Human Timebombs in Culemborg

AHC association of the Nederlands showed Human Timebombs on 3 occasions last weekend in the fair city of Culemborg.

On Friday night it was invitation only but the 2 events on Saturday were for everyone. Entrance was free and over 300 people enjoyed the events.

The events were exceptually well organised with Willem Zorge taking the lead and speaking before the film was shown. He announced a 10.000 Euro contribution to Cue AHC that will go to fund reserach to find molicules to be tried on mouse models at Duke university.

Jeff Wuchich talked from Durham and thanked for the contribution.
Siggi Jóhannesson explained why and how the documentary Human Timebombs became a reality and thanked Agusta Fanney for her wonderful dedicated work for the AHC community.


After the film there were discussions and by the end of the 3rd event three new AHC patients had come forward. Patients that we had not known about before the events.








