Article about the making of AHC documentary in Umhyggja magazine

In the newest edition of Umhyggja Magazine there is an article about the AHC documentary.
„Preparations for the AHC documentary are finished and filming has already begun. The documentary will be filmed in Iceland, the US and in the Nederlands and we estimate to stop filming coming October.

The Documentary will review the history of AHC from when the disorder was first discovered in 1971 and we will follow the life of Sunna Valdis who is the only AHC champion in Iceland. We will follow Sunna in her daily life and watch the effect AHC has on Sunna and her family. The film crew will follow Sunna to Minneapolis. MN, where she will meet some of the best AHC specialists in the world. The documentary will contain interviews with the specialists and with families that have been fighting for a cure for AHC.

Heimildarmynd umhyggja

The Documentary will be around 40 minutes and will be translated in at least 8 languages.
The producers will distribute the film all around the world and also send it to film festivals.

Sigurdur Holmar Johannesson president of the AHC Association of Iceland and Sunna´s father says tells us that the main purpose of the film is to raise awareness and find the undiagnosed AHC champions in the world that may be as many as 7000 so that they may receive best possible care.
„We desperately need to expedite the research in order to find cure“