Svölurnar support the AHC documentary

Screenshot 2014-05-24 21.53.04


Svolur og AHC
Svolurnar with the AHC family

The amazing charity Svölurnar (The Swallows) will be supporting the making of a documentary about Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood. The documentary will help us find the missing AHC children that have not been diagnosed or have been misdiagnosed and are receiving wrong treatment. The documentary will also address the difficulty in living with AHC, there will be interviews with all the major players in the AHC community and the specialists that have been driving research onwards these last years.

Svolur hopur
Svölurnar with the group that they supported this year

Svölurnar, a charity of flight attendants, are celebrating their 40 years this year and they have been very actively supporting AHC Association of Iceland for years and continue to amaze us with their drive and enthusiasm.

If you would like to support the documentary please visit INDIEGOGO and donate.

Thank you.

AHC documentary mynd