AHC International Alliance video

Brand new video that shows the complexity of Alternating Hemiplegia and how hard it is to life with this disease.

The video is produced by the AHC Association of Iceland for the AHC International Alliance.

Thanks to all the families that contributed to the video and very special thanks to Agusta Fanney who made the video and to Ólafur Darri Ólafsson who does the narration.
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We need the world to know about AHC because there are so many children that have not been diagnosed because specialists do not know this disease exists.


AHC International Alliance is working towards a cure for Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood. AHC is caused by a mutation in the gene ATP1A3.
AHCIA needs your support to be able to reach this goal.
To find an AHC association close to you, go to the AHCIA website  www.ahcia.org and click on your national flag to find a contact person.