Hello AHCF Families and Friends,
During the Family meeting, Gene Andrasco, one of our treasurers outlined our financial picture and reviewed our current budget. We have a minimal amount available for research projects this next year and without a huge amount of resources coming in, going forward we are unsustainable as a Foundation! We Need Your Help!! We need to raise money!
We are at the most important time in our history, soon there will be exciting news and possibilities that each of you have wished for, that can now become a reality. The next phase of research requires an enormous investment and there will be an explosion of projects available to fulfill our mission. All it takes is Money!! Please don’t leave it up to the next family. We know you all have busy lives but we truly need every family to participate in some way if we are going to be successful.
We are asking everyone to consider doing a fundraiser to help raise funds or participate in the AHCF sponsored fundraisers like:
Football Charity Mania http://ahckids.org/fundraisers/charity-mania-football-mania-sweepstakes/
AHCF Walks in your area http://ahckids.org/fundraisers/walk-with-us/
Maybe consider doing a Golf Outing, Garage sale, Gala, Auction, writing solicitation letters,
or setting up an Honorarium in your child’s name http://ahckids.org/posts/honorariums/
For more ideas or help with your fundraising idea contact Jeff and the Fundraising Committee jeff@ahckids.org.
Thanks so Much!!