A Patient Network Meeting will be held on 21 November, Sunday to continue the integration and empowerment of patients affected by rare paediatric neurological diseases by having their input and involvement in nEUroped.
The second day, 22 November, Monday, dedicated to Best Practices for Developing and Maintaining Patient Registries in the European Union will be an open event to nEUroped partners, Patients Network members and outside participants.
The final day of the nEUroped Extended Network Meeting, 23 November, Tuesday will be to review the work accomplished in the nEUroped project and develop the future of the nEUroped Consortium: extend the Network to members outside the project and to patient networks.
Meeting details and registration information will follow in the next nEUroped newsletter and on www.neuroped.eu. For immediate questions please contact Tsveta Schyns (ts@enrah.net) and Francis P. Crawley (fpc@gcpalliance.org) for information about the Extended Network Meeting. If you are a patient or patient representative interested in attending, please contact Anna Kole (anna.kole@eurordis.org) for information on travel and subsistence reimbursement